Honey Is a Humectant Honey attracts and helps maintain moisture in the hair by helping to hold onto water molecules in the air. With curly hair, we’re constantly trying to moisturize our hair and fight dry hair. Honey helps to replenish moisture that is lost and also helps to fuse vitamins and minerals into our hair strands, keeping our hair healthy and strong.
Honey Is an Emollient Emollients are amazing at smoothing and softening hair. Honey helps to smooth the outer cuticle layer of the hair, which helps the hair look and appear shinier.
Honey Is Anti-Bacterial Honey is also fantastic for treating scalp issues. Honey has enzymatic and also antioxidant properties that have been known to aid in the treatment of dry and itchy scalp, dandruff, and even dermatitis. Honey also exfoliates the scalp and helps fight irritation.
Honey Helps Soften Hair Honey is used in many hair products to help moisturize and draw water into the hair shaft. It also helps restore moisture, and because honey is an emollient, it helps to soften the hair.
The pomegranate is packed with antioxidants that make hair follicles stronger and improve blood circulation in the scalp—factors which help to stimulate hair growth. Pomegranate is great for soothing frizz. It helps to detangle hair and moisturises the hair shaft, thus enhancing the appearance and feel of your hair.